React React refs For a new personal project I needed to use a React ref in order to obtain some information from the DOM. I have never needed to use them before and this is what
Debugging React Debugging front-end graph libraries - recharts My company does a lot of data analytics, which means on the front end we work with a lot of graphs. Today I’ll talk about some difficulties I had debugging a new dashboard
React Node.js Mongodb Mongoose Database MERN stack - flashcard app My latest project was a full stack MERN app.
Javascript React Redux Learning Redux Currently I am learning redux to help me build a small react application. I am following along with Brad Traversy’s 2018 tutorial on redux found here. I am taking notes while following this
React Node.js Making a React/Node.js app When I was in school we learned about fetching data from external APIs. At the time I found a news API where you could filter articles based on topic. Since I previously went
React Aws Serverless Deploying simple React app with Serverless / AWS I am learning Serverless and AWS for work. Here is what I did to deploy a basic app with Serverless.
React Devops How I configured ESLint and Prettier for React at work At work we are doing some set-up on our projects so we can work better as a team, especially as we grow. It made sense to look into linting and formatting we can