Computer-science Data-structures Javascript Big O For JavaScript Objects and Arrays Quick post to summarize different operations on objects and arrays.
Javascript Testing Learning Jest - some basics I’m starting to get into testing with Jest for a work project.
Algorithms Data-structures Coding-problems Javascript Implementing hash tables in JavaScript Hash tables are a commonly used data structure and, apparently, are commonly asked about in interviews.
Javascript Coding-problems Algorithms Reverse a linked list in JavaScript Today’s leetcode problem involved linked lists again. This time the task was to reverse one.
Javascript Coding-problems Algorithms Does linked list have a cycle - slow/fast pointer algorithm Today’s leetcode problem involved a linked list.
Javascript Coding-problems Another way to delete element from a string When I have solved a problem on leetcode I like to look at other users’ solutions to learn other ways of solving the problem.
Binary Computer-science Javascript Coding-problems Binary math - addition problem Lately I’ve been working on some practice coding problems, and I needed to re-learn how to do math with binary numbers.
Javascript Chatgpt Ai I asked ChatGPT to help speed up my React code I finally got around to trying ChatGPT. I’m sure there are many ways of using this technology, but I think it can be a great assistant to help you improve your own code.
Javascript Writing pipe and compose functions - advanced JavaScript I recently went down a rabbit hole while learning about pipe and compose functions in JavaScript. This is a fairly advanced topic and needs a lot of prerequisite knowledge to grasp.
Javascript Notes about asynchronous JavaScript I work with async JavaScript a lot, but I wonder if I know everything about it that I need to.
Javascript Dom The DOM Some more notes about the DOM, from the course I’m working on “The Complete JavaScript Course 2022: From Zero to Expert” on Udemy. This post is more about DOM methods and strategies for
Javascript Dom Notes about the DOM As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been getting back into my JavaScript course on Udemy called “The Complete JavaScript Course 2022: From Zero to Expert”.
Javascript Working with JavaScript numbers and dates Doing math and working with dates can sometimes be challenging in programming.
Javascript How to clone a JavaScript object There are several different methods that can be used to clone an object in javascript.
Computer-science Javascript What's the difference between 'i++' and '++i' I have always been familiar with incrementing a variable using i++, but recently came across ++i. It took me a while to truly understand the difference.
Javascript Css Dom Things I learned about the DOM and vanilla JavaScript from cloning the chrome dinosaur game I learned some new things about vanilla javascript while following a tutorial for creating the chrome dino game.
Javascript Data-structures More data structures - JavaScript Last year I began learning more about data structures. I found myself often wondering how the theory I was learning would apply to JavaScript, the language I code in most frequently.
Javascript Debugging Debugging - forEach with async/await This week I learned that you do not use forEach loops with async/await.
Javascript React Redux Learning Redux Currently I am learning redux to help me build a small react application. I am following along with Brad Traversy’s 2018 tutorial on redux found here. I am taking notes while following this