Algorithms Data-structures Coding-problems Javascript Implementing hash tables in JavaScript Hash tables are a commonly used data structure and, apparently, are commonly asked about in interviews.
Algorithms Data-structures Coding-problems Recursion Binary trees; isSameTree problem It’s time to dive into some binary tree coding problems.
Javascript Coding-problems Algorithms Reverse a linked list in JavaScript Today’s leetcode problem involved linked lists again. This time the task was to reverse one.
Javascript Coding-problems Algorithms Does linked list have a cycle - slow/fast pointer algorithm Today’s leetcode problem involved a linked list.
Javascript Coding-problems Another way to delete element from a string When I have solved a problem on leetcode I like to look at other users’ solutions to learn other ways of solving the problem.
Coding-problems Algorithms Algorithms: Boyer-Moore Today I learned about a new algorithm while working on a leetcode coding problem.
Binary Computer-science Javascript Coding-problems Binary math - addition problem Lately I’ve been working on some practice coding problems, and I needed to re-learn how to do math with binary numbers.