Database Sql Dotnet Migrations 'There is already an object named ___ in the database' and 'Column names in each table must be unique' There were migrations performed on our application at work this week, which meant my database was out of date and the application would not load on my local machine.
Version-control When Sourcetree didn't work - 'fatal: authentication failed' error I know I shouldn’t feel incompetent every time I struggle with some kind of error or bug; dealing with frustration comes with being a developer, and I chose this. This issue, however, frustrated
Database Node.js Mongodb Mongoose Learning about databases in Udemy course I often feel I need to drill this information into my head a few times before I really get it, so here are some more notes with basic definitions surrounding databases.
Csharp Dotnet 500 server error and the csproj file Here is what I learned when we got a 500 server error while testing my code at work.
Javascript Node.js Api Reviewing API calls Today in my Web Developer course I am reviewing how to use APIs.
Javascript Jquery Dom Notes on jQuery I have seen jQuery all over the place, including at work, but I have never taken the time to learn it in depth. I figured I needed to do this soon, and there
Javascript Dom Notes on the DOM I finished my .NET MVC Udemy course and have gone back to my Web Developer Bootcamp Udemy course that I started before going to school.
Dotnet Database Migrations Last ditch effort – I deleted my database I have been working on my Udemy courses again, currently hoping to finish my MVC course.
Jekyll Debugging Deployment New jekyll site part 3 - errors with deployment I made my changes to CSS without any more problems and I cleaned up my markdown files, as I mentioned last time. I figured now would be as good a time as any
Csharp C# definitions cheatsheet Here is some info I compiled as I worked my way through Codecademy’s C# course.
Jekyll Gulp Debugging New jekyll site part 2 - errors with Gulp Continuing from my last post, where I began to describe the process of making this blog.
Jekyll Making a new jekyll site - this one, actually Well, I’m going to do that thing again where I blog my experience of making a blog. At least I can feel like I am writing something for a reader, a pretend social
Dotnet Javascript Debugging The importance of a hard refresh Recently I was working on a task for my practicum. The task was to add a delete button to two of the pages and ensure it redirected to the correct page once an
Dotnet Debugging Csharp Sql A few .NET errors and solutions Here are a few errors I received while working on a .NET application, and how I solved them.
Dotnet Mvc Database Migrations Entityframework Entity Framework, workflows, databases, and migrations When I began my Udemy course on .NET MVC, as well as my web development practicum, there were a lot of terms I was unfamiliar with - things that perhaps seem very simple
Dotnet Mvc Beginning to learn .NET I am currently in the middle of the practicum component of my program. I am entering week 3 of 8, and to be honest I still have a lot of learning to do
Jekyll Welcome to my new web dev blog! Hello! This is the first post in my new blog. My intention for this blog is to create a place for me to document everything that I am learning as a new web